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Have any other questions? Please feel free to contact us 

Welcome all NEW GARDENERS to Second Start Community Garden.  

Registration for 2024 

February 15-March 07 

for returning gardeners

March 08-March 31 for new gardeners

The Specifics
  • Gardeners may lease a plot for the year . The Colorado growing season is April-October. Second Start Community Garden adheres to firm organic garden practices, with community composting bins and tool sheds.
  • Second Start Community Garden has 60 plots, several perennial gardens, and an orchard. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors drawn from our community of active gardeners.

  • Plots can be rented by individuals or groups, with the fee on household income. Households whose gross annual income is less than $45,000/yr are considered “Low Income”.

  • No gardening experience is required.  We do recommend having a Mentor if community gardening is new for you.

  • Gardeners sign a contract agreeing:

    • to contribute 8 hours (minimum) of community work-share per season (per full plot)

    • show Start of Season activity by May 1

    • use organic gardening methods and water conservation practices as referenced in our Gardener's Handbook

    • actively maintain productive crops for home table use and remove weeds in the rented plot and surrounding paths throughout the growing season 

    • end-of-season clean up of the plot if required by October 31

    • over-winter gardening is encouraged for continuing gardeners  

  • Plots are approximately 15' X 20' = 300 sq ft, and are on a first-come-first-served basis.

  • The best time to get on the waitlist is in the fall, winter, or whenever you meet us. 


$60 full plot/year

$50 plot cleaning deposit


*SSCG considers $45,000 gross annual household income as "low income."   


If you have any questions about registering for a garden plot, please reach out to the Registrar.




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