Longmont's Oldest Organic Community Garden
Have any other questions? Please feel free to contact us
Welcome all NEW GARDENERS to Second Start Community Garden.
The Specifics
Gardeners may lease a plot for the year . The Colorado growing season is April-October. Second Start Community Garden adheres to firm organic garden practices, with community composting bins and tool sheds.
Second Start Community Garden has 60 plots, several perennial gardens, and an orchard. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors drawn from our community of active gardeners.
Plots can be rented by individuals or groups, with the fee on household income. Households whose gross annual income is less than $45,000/yr are considered “Low Income”.
No gardening experience is required. We do recommend having a Mentor if community gardening is new for you.
Gardeners sign a contract agreeing:
to contribute 8 hours (minimum) of community work-share per season (per full plot)
show Start of Season activity by May 1
use organic gardening methods and water conservation practices as referenced in our Gardener's Handbook
actively maintain productive crops for home table use and remove weeds in the rented plot and surrounding paths throughout the growing season
end-of-season clean up of the plot if required by October 31
over-winter gardening is encouraged for continuing gardeners
Plots are approximately 15' X 20' = 300 sq ft, and are on a first-come-first-served basis.
The best time to get on the waitlist is in the fall, winter, or whenever you meet us.
$60 full plot/year
$50 plot cleaning deposit
*SSCG considers $45,000 gross annual household income as "low income."
If you have any questions about registering for a garden plot, please reach out to the Registrar.
Registration - If you are having trouble scrolling below, click here to open the form in new window.